About Us

The year 1880 was the beginning of Rajaram College, Kolhapur and so also for the library. Some book lovers purchased books and donated to the library. The books started pouring in from various sources and within a short period, the library was flooded with valuable and rare books, reference volumes. For instance, the books likes-“The history of the Imperial Assemblage at Delhi held on the 1st January 1877” by Wheler J.T. and ‘Restoration of Tanjore State’ published in 1777 are self-explanatory to reflect the keen interest of then State Administration in the development of college library. Generally, a college library is most neglected section with poor collection, inadequate space given in busiest corner in administrative building, but from the very beginning, this library is fortunate enough in having a spacious and independent building. The Study room was kept open from 10:00 a.m. to 5.45 p.m. The building contains two stack-rooms for books, U.G.C., Periodical sections (for old and new)reference section, Internet room,separate room for the Librarian,Staff and competitive exam study room. A specious study room which can accommodate nearly 200 students.

Present Library Staff.

SN   Name   Designation   Qualification  
1   Shri Hajare Dnyaneshwar   Library attendant   B.Com, MLIS, SET  
2   Shri GuravChandrakant   Library attendant.   MA, BLIS, D.Ed  

Library collection.

SN   Name of Collections   Numbers  
1   Total Books ( Text books/Reference books/Reports/rare books)   107283  
2   Total Number of Titles   80117  
3   Periodicals/journals ( National, international)   25  
4   Newspapers ( Marathi/Hindi/English)   06  
5   E-Books, E-Journals ( Through NLIST) /   5600/7900  
6   Rare Books and Manuscripts   15507  
7   Preservation of books ( Fumigation and Lamination)   152/133  
8   Total Number of Computers   06  
9   CCTV CAMERA   11  
10   HARD DISC   01  
11   CD   105  

Library Timing :

  • Working hours :- 9.45am to 5.45pm
  • Circulation hours :10.00am to 5.00pm
  • Reading Room hours :10.00am to 5.30pm
  • Reading Room hours :10.00am to 5.30pm
  • Lunch Break 1.00PM to 1.30PM

Library Advisory Committee

SN   Name   Designation  
1   Dr. Y.C. Attar , Principal   Chairman  
2   Dr. Subhash Dhule , Librarian   Member Secretary  
3   Dr. H.D. Dalvi   Member  
4   Dr. R.A. Kadakame   Member  
5   Shri A. P. Marale   Member  
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