Projects Other Than UGC

List of Minor and Major Research Projects

A. List of Minor Projects: Completed

Sr. No. Name of the Principal Investigator Funding agency Year Sanction Letter No. Title of the project Funds received (lakhs)
1 Dr. Ms. L. D. Jadhav UGC-DAE
2007-2010 CSR-I/CSR _Indore/PROJ/
SANC_Y2/30/2008/622 dt. 5/9/2008
Investigation on Structural and Electrical properties of Ni-GDC
cermet as anode for solid oxide
fuel cell
2 Dr. Ms. A. R. Patil UGC 2008-2010 F. No. 47-471/08(WRO)
dt/ 29/12/2008
Critical Survey and study of increasing incidence of
Peziotrichum corticolum
from Kolhapur District.
3 Dr. K. A. Mali UGC 2008-2010 F. No. 23/363/07 (WRO) dt. 20/03/2008 Cultural and Heritage tourism
in Kolhapur District-A
Geographical Perspective
4 Dr. H.N. Kathare UGC 2008-2010 F. No. 23-477/08 (WRO) dt. 10/10/2008 Role of Electricity to Agricultural Devlopment and its importance
in the context of Globalization:
A case study of Khatav Thesil
5 Dr. B. D. Bhosale UGC 2009-2011 F. No. 47-875/09(WRO) dt. 4/09/2009 Surfactant encapsulated polyoxometalates for
Catalytic Degradation of Hazardous
Chemicals and Waste Water Treatment
6 Dr. S. R. Kulkarni UGC 2009-2011 47-673/08(WRO) dt.06/03/2009 Studies on Electrical and
Magnetic properties of
Al3+ and In3+substituted Mn/Ni/Zn nano Ferrites
7 Dr. Ms. Y. C. Attar UGC 2012-2014 F.No.47-2117/11(WRO) dt. 29/02/2012 Production of IAA by
Azotobacter, Rhizobium
and PSB

B. Major Projects
        a. List of Completed Major Projects:

Sr. No. Name of the Principal Investigator Funding agency Year Sanction Letter No. and date Title of the project Grant Received (lakhs)
1 Dr. Ms. S. C. Patil,
Dr. Ms. S. V. Toro
RG STC 2009-2012 Letter No.3 /38 /2009 Adm.5372 dt. 30/09/2009 Digitized Inventory of medicinal plant resources of Maharashtra- Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg
2 Dr. Ms. S. S. Joshi UGC 2009-2012 F.No.35-16/2008(SR) dt. 19/03/2009 Synthesis of composite film electrodes and their application
in liquefied petroleum gas sensor
3 Dr. R. M. Kamble UGC 2010-2013 F.38-172/2009 (S.R.) dt. 24/12/2009 Formulation, Preparation and Evaluation of Dietary fibre
products with its efficacy for Cardiovascular disease in
western Konkan in Maharashtra
4 Dr. Ms. L.D. Jadhav DAE-BRNS 2010-2013 2009/37/28/BRNS/2007 dt. 23/10/2009 Investigation on NiO-GDC/GDC structures for the development
of intermediate temperature
solid oxide fuel cells
5 Dr. Ms. K.K. Patankar UGC 2010-2013 F.No.38-173/2009 (SR) dt. 24/12/2009 Development of smart ME
materials as transducers for
electric power generation
6 Dr. Ms. A.R. Patil Govt. of Maha-rashtra 2012-2013 ENV-2011/51/3/8/11/2011 dt. 08/11/2011 Awareness programme for conservation and utilization
on medicinal plants, wild
vegetables and natural colour resources from Kolhapur district
7 Dr. Ms. A. R. Patil UGC 2012-2015 F.No. 41-443/2012(SR) dt. 16/07/2012 Biodiversity of Terrestrial
Orchid Mycorrhiza from SW
part of Maharashtra
8 Dr. H. N. Katahre UGC 2013-2015 F.No.5-169/2013 (HRP) dt. 11/03/2013 Contribution of Electrification
in the Agricultural Development:
A comparative analysis of
Western Maharashtra and
9 Mr. S.V. Pathare (CI) DST- SERB 2012-2013 SR/S4/ES-592/2011 dt 09/08/2012 Hydrogeochemistry and genesis
of the fluoride contaminated groundwater in Rajura, Koparna parts of Chandrapur, District Chandrapur, Maharashtra
3.50 (funding with PI’s Institute)

       b. List of ongoing Major Projects

Sr. No. Name of the Principal Investigator Funding agency Year Sanction Letter No.
and date
Title of the project Grant Received (lakhs)
1 Dr. Ms. L. D. Jadhav DRDO 2012-2015 ERIP/ER/1003824/M/01
/1436 dt. 25/07/2012
Studies on synthesis and Characterization of Nano-structured La 1-x SrcCo1-yFeyO3 3.32
2 Dr. K. A. Mali UGC 2013-2016 F. No. 42-75/2013(SR) dt. 01/04/2013 Heritage Ecology in the
upper Krishna basin of Maharashtra-A Geographical Analysis
3 Dr. Ms. A. R. Patil Govt. of Maha-rashtra 2015-2017 ENV-2014/ No.36/3 dt.22/01/2015 Conservation of Water Reservoirs on hill forts
from Kolhapur District
4 Dr. Ms. K. K. Patankar UGC- DAE 2015-2018 UDCSR/MUM/AO/CRS-M-203/2015/502 dt.
Synthesis and characterization
of rare earth doped cobalt nano ferrites for their applications in electronic
and biomedical devices
2.00 (p.a)
5 Dr. V. B. Helavi, Dr. Ms. K. K. Patil,
Dr. Ms. K K. Patankar
UGC 2015-2018 F.No.-43-403/2014(SR) dt. 05/09/2015 Synthesis of Microwave sintered Ferrites from different chemical routes
for applications in power generation and surface mounting technology
Not received till 30th June 15
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