Student Satisfaction Survey

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  • Student Details
    * Marked Fields are Compulsary
    Name of the student :
    Class :
    Roll No :
    Academic year :
    Aadhar No :
    *Email id :
    *Mobile no :
    Postal Address :
    PIN :
    1. How much of the syllabus was covered in the class?
    2) Rate the teacher’s preparation and communication for the classes
    3) Whether Institute arrange unit tests, internal tests, home assignment etc to improve writing skills
    4) Was your performance in assignments discussed with you?
    5) The institute takes active interest in promoting on job training, student field visits and industrial visits opportunities for students.
    6) Teachers inform you about your expected competencies, course outcomes and programme outcomes.
    7) The institution makes effort to engage students in the monitoring, review and continuous quality improvement of the teaching learning process.
    8) Are the activities like seminars, group discussions, open book tests, exhibitions, quizzes, solving mathematical problems carried out by your teachers for the improvement of the teaching learning process?
    9) The overall quality of teaching-learning process in your institute is very good
    10) The teaching and mentoring process in your institution facilitates you to participate in curricular and co curricular activities?
    11) The institution provides multiple opportunities to shape your personality .
    12) The teachers illustrate the concepts through examples and applications.
    13) The teachers identify your strengths/ weaknesses and encourage you with providing right level of challenges
    14) Teachers encourage you to participate in cultural activities
    15) . Efforts are made by the institute/ teachers to inculcate soft skills, life skills, placement, competitive and employability skills to make you ready for the world of work.
    16) E-methods used by teachers like Google class room, educational videos, e-books, ppt prove to be useful for you?
    17) What percentage of teachers use ICT tools such as LCD projector, Multimedia, etc. while teaching
    18) Give your opinion regarding the discipline maintained in the college
    19) The institution makes efforts to provide security for the students
    20) Rate the infrastructural facilities and activities of physical education Department
    21) rate the infrastructural facilities like library , laboratory, classrooms, etc
    22) The overall quality of the administration in the institute is
    23) Give three observation / suggestions to improve the overall teaching – learning experience in your institution.

    Copyright © 2025 Rajaram College, Kolhapur Last Updated on 22th February 2025 Powered By OST