Alumni Student Feedback Form

Alumni Details
* Marked Fields are Compulsary
*Full Name :
Academic year :
Aadhar No :
*Email id :
*Mobile no :
Postal Address :
Any other relevant
information :
*Present Position
1. How do you rate developmental activities organized by College for your overall development?
2. Were/Are your grievances properly redressed at the college?
3. During your tenure as a student at Rajaram College rate the adequacy of INFRASTRUCTURE:Sorts, Gymnasia and Hostel
4. During your tenure as a student at Rajaram College rate the adequacy of INFRASTRUCTURE:Library facility
5. During your tenure as a student at Rajaram College rate the adequacy of INFRASTRUCTURE:Office
6. During your tenure as a student at Rajaram College rate the adequacy of COMPUTER FACILITIES, INTERNET & WI-FI
7. Contribution of the alumni in overall development of the college
8. How frequently you attend the meeting of alumni
9. Is the curriculum designed by the Shivaji University is useful and relevant In your present job?
10. During your tenure as a student at Rajaram Collegerate the adequacy of following as they were: Placement Assistance
Any suggestion for future development in institution: :

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