Best Practices

We have decided to focus on two best practices for next five years

Practice I:

Title of the practice: Lab on Wheels

Goals and Objectives of the practice:

  1. To encourage the school students to gain knowledge about the science through observation and experiments
  2. To inculcate scientific attitude among the school students
  3. To reach the underpreviledged section of society for transfer of technology from lab to field

The context:

There are many students who have a strong desire to study and gain knowledge. However, they can not do so due to their social or economic problems. Therefore, “Lab on Wheels” is an attempt to take education to the needy and widely spread the message about the significance of scientific applications in the daily life of people

  • Practice: All the Science Departments conduct this activity every year. This year 50 students and 06 faculty members visited ShripatraoChaugule College as well as school on 25.01.2019.
  • Evidence of success: This activity receives very good response. Inculcation of scientific thoughts and values through videos , talks, skits, charts and experimental models in science festival 2K at MalwadiKotoli. The evidences of success are attached separately.
  • School children, their teachers, native villagers were delighted to experience above mentioned activities.
  • Problems encountered and resources required: This practice encountered certain problems like the lack of financial assistance for provision of mobile van with all laboratory facilities.

Practice II:

Title of the practice: Research Sensitization

Goals and Objectives of the practice:

  1. To encourage the students and the faculty to involve in research activities.
  2. To inculcate research aptitude among the students.
  3. To explore interdisciplinary research projects based on local problems.

The context:

The College currently has 13 Research Guides who are guiding 70 Research Scholars in 7 different subjects.

Practice: 25 Research papers are published in various National and International Journals by the faculty and Ph.D. scholars in this year. Average paper UIF is 7.4 and Scopus impact factor is 6.8. 21 faculty members attended and presented papers at Seminars, Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences at international level while 10 faculty members presented papers at the national level. 05 students from various subjects have acquired their doctoral degree. Number of faculty members have submitted their major and minor research projects to various funding agencies like UGC-DAE-CSR, BARC, Mumbai, DAE-BRNS, Mumbai, and Shivaji University, Kolhapur. In addition to this, students from some science departments are provided hands-on-training. 6 students participated in the “Awishkar”, a district level research competition.

Evidence of success : Two collaborative projects of Physics Department were granted extension

UG Students were granted 10 thousand rupees for seed ball preparation

3 Faculty members have completed minor research projects funded by Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Department of Microbiology conducted hands-on-training on Metagenomic in association with IIT Kharagpur.

Besides thsese practices College also sensitise students for social responsibilities through rallies, visits, guest lectures, workshops, donation camps and celebrating Birth Anniversaries of Social Reformers. Development of overall personality development of students is done through co-curricular, extra-curricular activities conducted by various departmental clubs and college committees

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