Staff Profile : Dr.D.P.Deolalkar


Name Dr.D.P.Deolalkar
Address 404, Om Exotica, Near BSNL Telephone Office, Samrat Nagar, Kolhapur- 416008
Date Of Birth 24/01/1972
Office ph. 0231-2537840
Phone 0231-2697997
Cell No. 9920125197
Fax Number -
E-Mail ID

Educational Qualification
Sr. No. Exam. Board/ University Month/Year Subjects Marks obtained Marks out of % of Marks Class
1 S.S.C. Aurangabad 27th June, 1986 Eng., Hin., Mar., Sci., Math.,His. & Geo. 453 700 64.71 I
2 H.S.C. Aurangabad 07th June,1988 Eng., Hin., Physics. Chem., Bio., Math. 354 600 59.00 II
3 B.Sc. Marathwada University, Aurangabad 27th June, 1991 Eng, Hin, Physics, Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry 2494 3700 67.24 I
4 M.A. Dr.B.A.M.U., Aurangabad 26th Aug-1994 English 490 800 61.24 I*
5 B.Ed. S.R.T.M.U., Nanded 20th June, 1997 Edu.Psy, School Org, Stat, Method: Eng, Math 318 600 53.00 II
6 SET (UGC) Pune University, Pune 06th June,1997 English -- -- passed ----
7 B.A. Y.C.M.O.U., Nashik 11th Dec.,1998 English, Psychology, History, Marathi 532 900 62.55 I
8 MS-CIT M.S.B.T.E., Mumbai 15th Jan.,2007 Computer Theory and Practical 72 100 72 I
9 Ph.D. Dr.B.A.M.U., Aurangabad 17th May,2010 The Concept of tradition in Foucault and New Historicism -- -- Awarded ----
*University Rank Second at M. A. (English)

Teaching Experience: Regular and permanent service
1 Lecturer 17/12/1998- 11/09/2007 B.A. I,II,III Years Comp. English, Eng. Lit. Permanent Terna Mahavidyalaya, Osmanabad
2 Assistant Professor 12/09/2007 to 24/07/2015 B.A. I, II, III yrs.
B.Com. I yr.
English Literature, Communication Skills, Business Communication Permanent Govt. of Maharashtra’s Elphinstone College, Mumbai
3 Assistant Professor 25/07/2015 to till now B. A. II Year B. A. III Year B. Sc. III Year English Compulsory and English Literature
English Literature
English Compulsory
Permanent Govt. of Maharashtra’s
Rajaram College, Kolhapur

Teaching Experience: Part time/ Contributory/Visiting Faculty
Sr.No. Designation Duration From- To Classes Subjects Nature of appointment Name of the college
1 Lecturer 1994-1995 B.A. I,II,III Years English Literature Contributory Terna Mahavidyalaya, Osmanabad
2 Lecturer 9/9/1996-15/04/1997 B.A. I,II,III Years English Literature Part Time Dayanand College Of Arts
3 Lecturer 1/08/1997- 15/04/1998 Diploma I Year Communication skills One year Appointment Govt. Polytechnic, Jintur Dist. Parbhani
4 Visiting Faculty 2000-2001 2001-2002 M.A. I, M.A.II. Drama, Literary Criticism Contributory R. P. College, Osmanabad
5 Visiting Faculty 2005-2006 M.A. I, M.A.II. Drama, Literary Criticism Contributory Dept. of English, Dr. B A M U Sub-Centre, Osmanabad
6 Visiting Faculty 2009-10 2010-11 M A-I M A-II American Literature, Literary Criticism Contributory Zunzunwala college, Ghatkopar
7 07 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2114-15 M A-I M A-II Indian Writing in English Drama, Literary Criticism Contributory C K T College, Panvel
8 Visiting Faculty 2009-10 M A-I Drama, Novel Contributory S N D T University, Churchgate
9 Visiting Faculty 2012-13 M A- II Poetry, Criticism Contributory S N D T University, Churchgate
10 Visiting Faculty 2015-16 2016-17 M A –I M A -II Poetry Literary Theory Contributory D R K Night College, Kolhapur

Participation in Orientation/Refresher/Soft Skill Courses
Sr.No. Name of the Course Dates From- To Academic-Staff College Grade
1 Orientation Course 5/5/2004-31/5/2004 Dr.B.A.M.U., Aurangabad A
2 Refresher Course 3/9/2004- 24/9/2004 Dr.B.A.M.U., Aurangabad B
3 Refresher Course 2/9/2005- 24/9/2005 Osmania University, Hyderabad A
4 Soft skills Development short term course 05/03/2014 to 11/03/2014 Mumbai University, Mumbai A

Paper Presentation
Sr.No. Title of the paper Name of Seminar/ Conference Date Organizing Body/College
1 Exploitation of Women under the disguise of career Three day National seminar on Feminism: Interrogating Culture and Literature 3-5 March, 2003 Dept. of English, Dr. B.A.M.U., Aurangabad
2 Black is Beautiful: A Lyrical Beauty of Toni Morrison’s Language in Beloved Three Day State Level Seminar on American Literature 11-13 March, 2004 Dept. of English, Dr. B.A.M.U., Aurangabad
3 Folk elements and there significance in Girish Karnad’s Hayavadan Two day National Conference on Indian Writing in English 10-11 July, 2004 Mahatma Basweshwar College, Latur
4 ‘Authorship’ in the essays of Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault: A Study Three Day National Seminar on Literature and Contemporary Discourses 3-5 Feb., 2005 Dept. of English, Dr. B.A.M.U., Aurangabad
5 Practicing Derrida: Toni Morrison’s attempt to demystify ‘American’ 38th Indian Association for American Studies(IAAS) Conference 19-21 Jan., 2006 School of Social Sciences, S.R.T.M.U. Nanded
6 Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines : A Post- Colonial Study Two Day State Level Seminar on Contemporary Literature in English 13-14 Feb., 2006 Dept. of English, Dr. B.A.M.U., Sub-Center, Osmanabad
7 A Study of Amitav Ghosh Three Days State Level Seminar on Colonial and Post-colonial literature 9-11 March, 2006 Dept. of English, Dr. B.A.M.U., Aurangabad
8 Understanding Lacan: A Comment on Lacan’s Notion of Language Inter-National Conference on Emerging Trends in Contemporary English Language and Literature 3-5 Jan., 2008 Dept. of English, Dr. B.A.M.U., Aurangabad
9 Dynamics of power in Vijay Tendulkar’s Ghashiram Kotwal Two Days National Seminar on Indian Theatre Today 30-31 Jan., 2008 Dept. of English, University of Mumbai
10 Modernism/Post-modernism: A Comparative Study Two Days National Seminar on Relocating the Nation: Cultural Issues in Contemporary India 5-6 Feb., 2009 Dept. of English, University of Mumbai
11 Redefining Native American Fiction Three days International Seminar 24-26 Feb., 2010 Dept. of English, Dr. B.A.M.U., Aurangabad
12 A study of a science fiction film Koi… Mil GayaTwo Days national Conference on Recent trends in Indian Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories Two Days national Conference on Recent trends in Indian Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories 10-11 Feb., 2015 Dept. of English, Elphinstone College, Fort, Mumbai

Seminars/Workshops Attended
Sr.No. Theme of the Seminar/Workshop Date Organizing Body/ College
1 Orientation workshop for English Teachers 17th Sept., 1995 P.L. Govt. Polytechnic, Latur
2 Awareness program for lecturers in English 18th July, 1997 S.R.T.M.U. Nanded
3 State Level Seminar on Indian Writing in English 20-22 March, 2002 Dept. of English, Dr. B.A.M.U., Aurangabad
4 Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC: A Step towards Achieving Academic Excellence 30 June, 2002 Birla College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Kalyan
5 Accreditation to Autonomy with special reference to select NAAC parameters 16 Nov., 2002 V.G.Vaze College, Mumbai
6 NAAC’s process of Assessment and Accreditation 24 Jan., 2003 Shri. Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Omerga
7 State Level Seminar on Indian English Fiction 13-14 March, 2005 Karmaveer Mamasaheb Jagdale Mahavidyalaya, Washi. Dist. Osmanabad
8 National Course on General Semantics 5-10 May, 2008 Dept. of English, Mumbai University, Mumbai
9 The revised syllabi of TY BA English Literature 11-12 August, 2008 Changu Kana Thakur Arts, Commerce and Science College, New Panvel
10 One Day Workshop on Quality Teaching 30 August, 2008 IQUAC, Elphinstone College, Mumbai
11 State Level Workshop on Research Methodology and Quantitative technique in Scientific Research 24 Jan., 2009 Elphinstone College, Mumbai
12 Workshop for students and staff on Bio-Informatics 03 Feb. 2009 Elphinstone College, Mumbai
13 Adopting an Excellence model in Educational Institutions 04 July 2009 IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award Trust, Mumbai
14 One day Orientation Program on Revised Syllabus of Business Communication 18 Sept., 2009 K.J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce, Vidyavihar, Mumbai.
15 First National Workshop for General Semantics and other Human Sciences 28 to 31st Oct 2009 Balwant Parekh Center for General Semantics and other Human Sciences, Baroda
16 Film Appreciation Workshop 10 to 12 Dec., 2010 National Film Archives, Pune
17 The Workshop on credit based semester system and F Y B A (English) revision 06 July, 2011 Jai Hind College, Churchgate, Mumbai
18 The Workshop on revised syllabi of F Y B A(Communication Skills) and F Y B. Com.(Business Communivation) 10 July, 2011 C K T College, New Panvel
19 Training Program of the department for Extension Work. 30 July, 2011 J C College of Law, Vile Parle(W), Mumbai-400 056
20 Training Program of the department for Extension Work. 29th Nov., 2012 Vidyapeeth Vidyarthi Bhavan, B Road Churchgate. Mumbai
21 Orientation program for translators organized by National Translation Mission, Mysore 29 to 31 Jan. 2013 Vasantrao Naik Govt. Institute of Arts and Social Sciences, Nagpur
22 One day seminar on Faculty Development Program organized by IBS Mumbai 25th Sept. 2013 IBS Business School, Powai, Mumbai

Invited to deliver lectures as a resource person
Sr.No. Name of the School/College/Organization Date
1 Mrs. KSK alias Kaku College, Beed 17/3/2006
2 Examination Training for RBI Employees 1/12/2008 & 2/12/2008
3 Bal Mohan Vidya Mandir, Dadar, Mumbai 30/01/2009
4 Dept. of English, Dr.B.A.M.U. Sub Center, Osmanabad 25/03/2011
5 Acharya College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chembur. 23/02/2012
6 Nutan mahavidyalaya, Selu. Dist. Parabhani 13/09/2012
7 Smt. Sushiladevi Women’s college, Latur 31/12/2012
8 Dayanand Arts college, Latur 01/01/2013
9 Sharad Institute of Technology, Ichalkaranji 28/12/2015
10 Padmbhooshan Vasantraodada Patil Institute of Technology,
11 Padmbhooshan Vasantraodada Patil Institute of Technology,
12 New College, Kolhapur 23/09/2016
13 Mahavir College, Kolhapur 21/10/2016
14 Sharad Institute of Technology Polytechnic Yadrav (Ichalkaranji) 07/12/2016

Deputed to Mantralaya during Assembly Session for translation work from Marathi to English and vice versa.
Sr.No. Assembly Dates Place
1 Summer Session of Maharashtra Assembly - 2008 08/04/2008 to 25/04/2008 Office of the Minister for the State. (Hon. Ranjeet Kamble)
2 Monsoon Session of Maharashtra Assembly - 2008 17/07/2008 to 26/07/2008 Office of the Minister for the State. (Hon. Ranjeet Kamble)
3 Monsoon Session of Maharashtra Assembly - 2009 29/05/2009 to 16/06/2009 Office of the Minister for the State.(Hon.Suresh Shetty)
4 Summer Session of Maharashtra Assembly - 2010 20/03/2010 to 23/04/2010 Office of the Minister for the State.(Hon. Ranjeet Kamble)
5 Monsoon Session of Maharashtra Assembly - 2010 12/07/2010 to 27/07/2010 Office of the Minister for the State. (Hon. Ranjeet Kamble)
6 Summer Session of Maharashtra Assembly - 2011 14/03/2011 to 21/04/2011 Office of the Minister for the State. (Hon. Ranjeet Kamble)
7 Summer Session of Maharashtra Assembly - 2012 15/3/2012 to 21/3/2012 Office of the Minister for the State. (Hon. Ranjeet Kamble)
8 Monsoon Session of Maharashtra Assembly - 2012 06/07/2012 to 25/07/2012 Office of the Minister for the State. (Hon. Ranjeet Kamble)
9 Monsoon Session of Maharashtra Assembly - 2013 15/07/2013 to 05/08/2013 Office of the Minister for the State. (Hon. Ranjeet Kamble)
10 Monsoon Session of Maharashtra Assembly - 2014 30/05/2014 to 16/06/2014 Office of the Minister for the State. (Hon. Ranjeet Kamble)

Sr. No. Name of the Journal Title of the paper Month/Year of Publication Type of the journal
1 Counter-View Authorship in the essays of Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault: A Study March-2012 A peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary international research journal
2 Research Spectrum Lacan’s Notion of Language August-2012 A peer-reviewed national journal
3 Innovative Research Practicing Derrida: Toni Morrison’s attempt to demystify ‘American’. July-2012 A Biannual Interdisciplinary Journal
4 Science Fiction and Fantasy Writings Conference A study of a science fiction film Koi… Mil Gaya April-2015 Post conference publication with ISBN
5 Conference Proceedings of National Seminar on Culture and Communication: Reflecting Paradigm Shifts Magic realism: A tool to retell and reconstruct history, a study of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude February-2016 Post Seminar Publication with ISBN: 978-81-923146-1-2


Organized a remedial Course in English for students from 10 August to 16 August 2009.


Worked as a moderator in the subject of Business Communication at Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai on 21/04/2009.


Worked as a judge for Tata Building India Essay Competition in English 2008-2009.

BOS Member

A co-opt member of Board of Studies in English of Mumbai University for the period from 1 September, 2010 to 31 August 2015.

P.G. Teacher

Recognized as a Teacher of the Mumbai University for M.A. Degree (by papers) in English.

Paper Setter/Examiner

Worked as a Member of a Paper Setting Committee of T.Y.B.A. (English)
Examiner for the year 2009-10 and 2010-11 (Paper No. IX American Literature).

Teacher coordinator
  1. Worked as a teacher coordinator for Extension activities of Lifelong Learning and Continuous Education Dept., Mumbai University for the academic year 2011-2012.
  2. Elphinstone Film Society
  3. ) Organized Charlie Chaplin Film Festival.
  4. In charge of Elphinstone Music and Film Library.
  5. MPSC/UPSC Guidance Cell, Rajaram College, Kolhapur
Organizing Secretary

UGC Sponsored two days National Conference on Recent Trends in Indian Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories on 10th and 11th Feb., 2015.

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