Prin. V. K. Gokak (1909-1992)
- Principal, Rajaram College, Kolhapur (1949-1952)
- Received Dnyanpeeth Award for his contribution to Kannada Literature (1990).
- Former Vice-Chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning at Puttaparthi.
- Received Padmashree Award from the Government of India In 1961.
Vindā Karandikar (1918-2010)
- Eminent Professor of English
- a well-known Marathi poet, writer, literary critic, and translator.
- Received Dnyanpeeth Award for his contribution to Marathi Literature (2003)
The English Club
‘The English Club’ of the department has been very active in conducting various activities such as elocution competition, essay writing competition, debate competition, poetry recitation competition, etc.
English Language Lab
The Department has set up an English language lab equipped with modern equipments like interactive board, digital rostrum and English language softwares. This Lab is used for conducting various courses in Spoken English which receives an enthusiastic response from the students.
Wall Paper Release
The Department runs wallpaper in order to promote the creative talent among the students of English. The wallpaper showcases various kinds of display material containing sketches, photographs, poems, articles and quotations etc.
Brr. B. H. Khardekar Endowment Memorial Lecture Series
This prestigious lecture series was instituted by Shri. Vinodchandra Parikh, an ex-Rajaramiyan in the memory of his beloved teacher Brr. B. H. Khardekar. This series was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. M. K. Naik. Subsequently, eminent scholars like Dr. C. J. Jahagirdar, Prof. Ravindra Kimbahune, Dr. Aroon Tikekar, Prin. Dr. M. D. Hatkananglekar, Prin. Dr. V.D. Katambale, Prof. Dr. Shridhar Gokhale, Dr. Ashok Thorat, Prin. Dr. H. V. Deshpande, Prof. Dr. P. A. Attar, Prin. Dr. M. A. Shaikh, Dr. M L. Jadhav, Prin. Dr. P. R. Shewale, Dr. C. A. Langare have delivered thought-provoking lectures in the series.
Name of the Award
Award for
Professor K. D. Pednekar Memorial Award
Award for most merioutious outgoing
Student of English Major
(B.A. III)