Departmental Activities

Departmental Activities 2024-25
Extension Activities
  • Our students have ideal Civic sense of responsibilities and so they make use of their knowledge to help the society in various ways eg…
  • Free Blood Grouping Camps are organized in peripheral rural areas.
  • Micro Forum
  • Microbiological Analysis of drinking water supplied in various schools was undertaken by the students. Some schools were found to provide Microbiologically non potable water. We inform these schools about the fact and also suggest remedies.
  • Our students along with demonstration of charts, specimens, models, microscopes, Microbial cultures etc. hold exhibitions in various schools. The microorganisms included in their syllabus are demonstrated alive. The school students are made aware of the helpful and harmful role of microbes in day to day life.
  • Our students are academically meritorious and have been awarded several university and govt. & other scholarships.
  • hey actively participate in co-curricular activities.
  • Deliver seminars confidently
  • Use of internet is encouraged to make them familiar with globalized education and acquire recent knowledge .
  • Undertake industry oriented projects
  • Organizing various State level competitions through the Biovision Club
  • Participate in various curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular competitions and have won several prizes
  • The department has been arranging lectures by eminent personalities for the benefit of the students.
  • The BIOVISION CLUB regularly organises inter-college essay writing, model, poster, topic presentation, debate, elocution, competitions, and quiz on recent topics.
  • A general awareness is created regarding the role of microbes in day-to-day life, health, industries, agriculture, mining, and abatement of pollution, biotechnology, in school children and in the general public by organizing exhibitions with the help of models, charts and demonstrations. Blood grouping camps are conducted periodically. Campus interviews are organized for the placement of the students.
Biovision Club
  • To develop organizational skills amongst our students.
  • To develop stage daring &spoken English ability amongst our students.
  • To create awareness and learn the importance team spirit, togetherness and responsibility and hospitality amongst our students.
  • To active the creative thinking ability amongst our students amongst our students..
  • To conduct various competion
  • Impartial to develop ability of collective sponsorship amongst our students.
  • To initiate and habit of collecting, preparing and presenting the basic and recent knowledge in the field of microbiology in English amongst our students and other college student teachers.
    Year Inter school/inter college/intracollege Name of the compition Topic
    2010-2011 Inter college competition Essay compition Transgenic animals
    Poster Mosquito born diseases
    Model Electron transport chain
    Skit Swine flue
    Oil pollution
    Fermented milk product
    Allergies disinfection
    Quiz Microbiology
    Extempore elocution Sterilization
    Positive association
    Specific defense
    Trickling filter
    Negative staining
    Inter school competition Essay Mosquito borne diseases
    2011-2012 Inter college Essay Probiotics
    Poster Biological warfare
    Model Lac operon
    Quiz Microbiology
    Intra college Debate Biotechnology a boon or
    Extempore elocution Nutritional classification
    of microorganisms
    Genetic code
    Fermentation media
    Nitrogen fixation
    Single cell protein
    Skit Laboratory equipments
    Antibody mediated immunity
    Industrially important
    Microorganisms friend/foes
    Role of microorganisms
    in agriculture
    2012-2013 Slogan (marathi) Pradushan nirmulan
    (English ) Sterilization
    Quiz Microbiology
    Inter school Essay Microbiology
Blood Group Camp
  • Help students by detecting their blood group at subsidized fees
  • Skill development in the microbiology students to enable them to work in or set up pathological laboratory
  • Maintain record of unusual blood groups with Name. Address and contact no.of Person.This helps in times of emergency
  • Make the students aware of their blood groups.
Potability Analysis of Drinking Water supplied in various Schools
  • To develop experimental skils in our studentsl.
  • To inculcate a sense of civic responsibility amongst our students.
  • Making the concerned schools aware of the bacteriological quality and therefore the potability and safety of the water supplied to their students
Microbiological Analysis of drinking water supplied in various schools
Year Name of School Potability
2013-14 School 1 Non Potable
School 2 Non Potable
School 3 Potable
School 4 Potable
School 5 Non Potable
School 6 Non Potable
School 7 Non Potable
2012-13 School 8 Non Potable
School 9 Potable
School 10 Potable
School 11 Potable
School 12 Potability
School 13 Potable
School 14 Non Potable
School 15 Potable
School 16 Non Potable
School 17 Potable
School 18 Potable
School 19 Potable
School 20 Non Potable
School 21 Potable
School 22 Potable
School 23 Potable
School 24 Potable
School 25 Potable
School 26 Potable
School 27 Potable
School 28 Potable
Visit of School- Students of Chh. Shahu Vidyalaya visited to Department
  • To introduce the microbiology subject.
  • To create awarness about hygiene.
  • To develop event management.
Visit to Home for aged at Bahubali
  • To aware the students about their responsibility.
  • To spent some time with aged people happily.
  • To share their feelings and view towards life.
  • Visit to Chetana Vikas School of Mentally challenged students
  • Students attended Film Festival organized by Chetana Vikas Mandir.
  • Organised National Level Competition for Life Science Students
  • Visit to Maltibai Doshi High School
Report of State level competition organized by Science Association of Rajaram college in association with Microbiologist Association, India.

State level competitions were organized by science association of college in association with microbiologist society, India on 1st September 2013. A total of 630 participants were participated in the various competitions. The competitions were inaugurated by Prin. Dr. A.S. Bhoite , Pro-Vice Chancellor, Shivaji University, Kolhapur and Prof. Dr. A. M. Deshmukh , President, Microbiologist Society, India.

The prize distribution and valedictory function was arranged in the presence of Prof.Dr. K.D. Sonavane, Professor and Head,Dept. of Microbiology,Shivaji University,Kolhapur and Prof. Dr.R.D.Joshi, Head,Dept. of Microbiology, Yogeshwari Mahavidyalaya, Ambajogai, Dist.Beed. For both the function, Our Hon. Principal,Prof.Dr.V.B. Helavi worked as chair person. For the various competition Prof Dr. R.M. Kambale(Head, Home Science Dept. Rajaram College,Kolhapur), Prof Mrs. Swati Kulkarni, (KRP Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Islampur) Prof. Miss Yojana Patil(Shivaji University, Kolhapur), Miss Sonal Chonde (Shivaji University, Kolhapur), Dr. K.D. Sonavane (Prof. and Head, Dept. of Microbiology, Shivaji University,Kolhapur) Dr. Y.C. Attar (Dept. of Microbiology,Rajaram college, Kolhapur) Dr. Hake,( Pharmacy College, Karjat,Mumbai) Miss Mridula Bhendigeri and Miss Komal Bhise (Dept. of Microbiology,Rajaram college, Kolhapur), Dr.R.D.Joshi, Head,Dept. of Microbiology, Yogeshwari Mahavidyalaya, Ambajogai, Dist.Beed. worked as judge.

Prof. Dr.P.S. Deshmukh from Zoology Dept, Dr.Mrs. K.K. Patil from Chemistry Dept. Prof. Archana Patil Mathematics Dept. and Prof. Dr. A.S. Khomane, Chemistry Dept. of college worked as member of organizing committee. All the Heads of Various Science Departments and all the teachers and non teaching staff extended their co-operation in organizing the event.

For all the prize winners the prizes in the form of trophies were sponsored by Microbiologist Society, India. Cash prizes were sponsored by Science association of college.

The entire activity was conducted under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Nakade D.B. Dept. of Microbiology and Co-Ordinator Science Association of College.

Organization of various Guest Lectures
Sr no. Name of lecturer Designation Topic Year
1 Dr. John Dsouza Ass. Prof. BVP Pharmacy
Management &
2 Prof.Sandeep Chavare K.I.T. college Kolhapur Biotechnology 2008-2009
3 Mrs. Pranoti Patil Bharati Vidyapeeth Quality assurance in
Industrial product
4 Dr. H.M. More Bharati Vidyapeeth Kolhapur Regulatory Procedures
in Pharmaceutical
5 Dr. Mandar Dixit Principal Bharati Vidyapeeth
Study of Microbiology
in Research
6 Dr. A.M. Deshmukh H.O.D Babasaheb Ambedkar
Vidyapeeth Osmanabad
Bioremediation 2009-2010
7 Mrudula Karni Ass. Prof. Rayat Shikshan
sanstha Pune
Carrier Opportunities in
8 Dr. K. Aruna H.O.D Willson College,
Transgenic Animals 2010-2011
9 Dr. Jai Ghosh Shivaji University,Kolhapr Q.C in Industry 2010-2011
10 Dr. Milisha Desai Shivaji University Kolhapur Environmental Impact
11 Shr Rajiv Diwan Manager in Pharma Personality Development 2010-2011
12 M.B. Lokhande Shivaji University Kolhapur Q.C in Food Industry 2010-2011
13 Dr. A.M. Deshmukh H.O.D Babasaheb Ambedkar
Vidyapeeth Osmanabad
Treatment of E-waste 2011-2012
14 Dr. k. Aruna Willson college, Mumbai. Transgenic Animals 2011-2012
15 Dr. K.D.Sonawane H.O.D. Dept. of Microbiology
Shivaji university
Bioinformatics 2011-2012
16 Mrs. Deepa Vichare LLM Law college Kolhapur Patents, Copyright, Trademark 2011-2012
17 R.L. Devpurkar Pune University, Pune Biochemistry of Microbial cell 2011-2012
18 Dr. Mittal Jadhav NCL Pune Transgenic Plants 2012-2013
19 Dr. K. Aruna Willson College, Mumbai Monoclonal Antibody 2012-2013
20 Shri Amol Sherikar Ass. Prof. TKC Pharmacy
Q.C. with reference to IP,
21 Adv. Deepa Vichare LLM Law college Kolhapur Patents, Copyright, Trademark 2012-2013
Matoshree vruddhashram visit

Every year,Department of Microbiology,Rajaram College,Kolhapur is actively engaged in the organization of various programmes.As a part of social responsibility,this year also on occasion of Valentine’s Day on 14/02/2019 Department successfully completed activity of visit to old age home at Matoshree Vruddhashram,Chambukhadi,Kolhapur.The purpose behind conducting such activity is to create awareness of social responsibility and inculcate helping nature among students.So to fulfill this objective, total 22 students and 04 faculty members visited to that place.At that place firstly President Smt.Vaishalee Rajshekhar and Vice-President Smt.Suryaprabha Chitnis welcome us.The detail information of Matoshree Vruddhashram was explained by them.The inspirational thought given by both of them enlightened the students about social responsibility,awareness about relation maintainance.They show us the whole environment of old age home.Total 58 peoples live there and enjoying their life with helping and caring each other.Our students also enjoyed the whole day with these people by interaction with them,by sharing breakfast and by giving some required things to them.The people from that place was also feels belongingness,harmony with our students as a family members.At the end,Aishwarya B.Kurane also shared some valuable thoughts on individual contribution to the society and role of communication in relation maintainance.Finally,every individual appreciate this activity and come back happily.

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